I actively use my Personal Learning Network (PLN) for professional development and keep focus on the latest developments in my field. Of the various social media platforms, I found Twitter and LinkedIn to be the most engaging and informative platform for me.
Twitter is an excellent platform for quick updates and real-time engagement. I use it to follow industry experts, join discussions, and learn about hot topics. Tags like #EdTech, #LrnChat, and #PLN are especially useful for finding relevant discussions and resources. Twitter’s fast-paced environment gives me access to a wide range of content, from articles and blog posts to videos and infographics, all of which contribute to my learning and professional development.
On the other hand, LinkedIn, provides a more formal and in-depth platform for professional networking and knowledge sharing. The features of the platform, such as LinkedIn Learning, provide access to a large number of courses and tutorials, allowing me to constantly expand my skills.

Engaging with my PLN community is a key aspect of reaching its full potential. I actively participate in discussions, comment on posts, share my experiences, and ask thought-provoking questions. This involvement not only helps me learn from others, but also makes me a member of the community.
Providing support and feedback to online friends is also another key component of my engagement. I often share, and comment on their posts, providing constructive feedback or additional resources when relevant. This not only strengthens my relationships with others on the network, but also fosters a collaborative environment. By sharing valuable content, such as insightful articles, useful tools, you can add value to the community and help others understand the situation.

Building a supportive PLN requires intentional effort and approach. I started by identifying my professional interests and goals, which allowed me to connect with like-minded individuals through online forums, professional associations, or networking events. I make it a point to be approachable and open in my interactions. For example, I initiate conversations with new connections by expressing interest in their work or asking about their experiences. To ensure my PLN remains supportive and enriching, I consistently nurture these relationships by staying in touch and offering assistance whenever possible. Whether it’s sharing a relevant resource or congratulating them on their achievements, these small gestures help build a strong network.

To expand my PLN, I will start by following international professionals and experts on social media platforms like Twitter and LinkedIn. This will give me access to their insights and updates regularly. I also plan to join international online communities and forums related to my field, where I can engage in discussions with peers from around the world. In addition, I will participate in virtual events and webinars hosted by international or public organizations, which are often free or low-cost and provide a great way to learn from experts. Another strategy is to subscribe to newsletters or blogs from professionals and organizations in different countries, keeping me informed about global trends and practices. By taking these steps, I can gradually build a more diverse and expansive PLN.